Down here you can find all frequently asked questions. If you have a question that is not listed or just simply want to get in touch please contact Joris.
How accurate are the measurements coming out of the birdhouse?
Very accurate! Our in-house research team works together with the Dutch national institute RIVM and GGD Amsterdam to ensure our sensors are calibrated and extremely reliable.
Can birds go into the birdhouse?
It would make total sense, right? But for now, sorry, no birds allowed. The electronics inside the birdhouse generate a little bit of warmth and we don’t want to disrupt nature.
Is WiFi bad for the tree?
No, the World Health Organisation states that WiFi signals from consumer grade electronics cannot cause harm to organic material. Various independent experts have confirmed this to us and we use low power radio signals. Because TreeWiFi is placed outside, we need less power to send out the WiFi signal, so your smartphone probably has more power in your pocket than our birdhouse up in the tree.
Who funds TreeWiFi?
TreeWiFi is privately funded and relies on your kind donations. If you would like to support the project, please click here .