TreeWiFi collaborates with
great partners
to create more impact

When we partner up we mean it. Because TreeWiFi is a start-up we can use all the help we can get, but we also have a lot to offer. From our extensive media network to our know-how of air quality measurement and IoT. We are happy to make new connections with unexpected partners, so please feel free to join our clean air movement.

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The Awesome Foundation

Initial funding

The Awesome Foundation is a global community advancing the interest of awesome in the universe, $1000 at a time.


Makerversity builds and run awesome spaces for professional makers, which combine co-working space with clean and messy workshop space, machines and tools.

Waag Society

Waag explores technologies, and provides art and culture a central role in the designing of applications in science and technology.

Heroes & Friends


Heroes & Friends build a participation platform that enables people to realize their dream projects and improve the world.

Conscia Consultancy Services

Conscia Consultancy Services advises TreeWiFi on financial policy and funding.

[email protected]

Making Sense

Making Sense explores how open source software/hardware and open design can be used by communities to fabricate sensing tools.